Strawberry fantasies

Is it possible to grow strawberries in the garden, without the birds eating them?


Because I have a strawberry bed now, in what was this spring a tulipe bed, also called The Heart for the World (see earlier blog posts). It is not covered with any net, so logically the garden birds should go there and eat. But they don’t. And I have some theories. First theory is that I give the garden birds seeds every morning, not so much, just a small support  for their summer meals. Is that more attractive than diving down into the bed of strawberries?


Second theory, my strawberry bed is very “messy”, because I did not have time to weed it during spring. There are a lot of faded leaves from winter and also leaves from the tulip season in spring. It makes a ground covering that protects the berries from lying onto the bare soil, but perhaps is it also too messy for the birds to dare to dive into bed – what could be hiding down there, a snake or some other predator?

The garden worm “Max”.

So I provide food and water for the garden birds and they keep the amount of insects at a healthy leavel. The result is, this season I have harvested more than 15 litres of strawberries! Thank you nature and thank you birds for this amazing cooperation.

The wooden sticks were meant to support the berry net, now they are just a design thing.








The story behind …

Sometimes the story behind a special event is what makes the event so special.

Yesterday the first bud on my new Hollyhocks (lat. alcea rosea) came out. It is black as a winter night, the petals soft as velvet.  I was stunned by the beauty of it.


And it is worth so much more to me because of the story behind. A couple of years ago I stood talking to the man who comes every three months with his big truck to empty our sewer system. We usually have a long chat about gardening experiences, he knows so much about gardening! Anyway, this time I had this jar of my special marmelade that I wanted to give him. And when I did, he told me he had just got some nice stems from black Hollyhock plants from a customer, and asked if I wanted to try  to cultivate some seeds next season. It was autumn and I saved them carefully. Next season I did not succeed in precultivating the Hollyhock seeds. So this year was the first time I managed to bring them to life.

The seeds were put into soil on the 25th of February, precultivated in my greenhouse with extra light and warmth – and now, on the 10th of July the first bud came out. I smile when I tell you! Really, I will try to get the message to the sewer man, through the community somehow,  I am sure he would love to hear about it!








Squirrel rules

On our tool shed I have mounted a squirrel feeder from Vivara. The little box with a lid was quickly adopted by the squirrel babies from this spring. Now about two months old, the three babies are scampering around, arguing between each other over food or just showing off.  Sometimes when I come to the feeder, one of them has creeped into the feeder, his small body fitting perfectly into the cube, and there he forgets about being careful and watchful and just lose himself in the heap of food.

This time I had my camera with me …





A Candy Palette

Today was gloomy, rainy and still – a perfect day for cleaning and washing used pots in the garden. When starting this project, my thoughts were as gloomy as the day. But as often happens with me, I got an idea. What if I would make something more out of this boring task?

So I started lining up, placing the plastic pots of different sorts and sizes on the lawn with bottom side up. Colored ones combined with black ones, they all together formed a candy palette. And suddenly the boring task had turned into something more artistic and fun!


